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Jason's Weekly Descramble 12.8.23

Good Afternoon Arlington Ridge,

I hope everyone is having a great week and is staying warm….

We continue to work on the golf course and make improvements daily as the team continues to focus on certain areas that need improvement. Starting next Monday and through the end of the week we have plans to work on the roughs and fix the potholes and try to make them smoother. Next week we will focus on holes 10, 11, and 13. Each week we will put our focus on getting these areas better and will work three (3) holes until we finish these areas. Also, as you may have noticed we are cleaning the cart paths and edging them to make them look better as well as cord grass removal. We have a tremendous amount of work to still do, and we continue to put our main focus on getting the Golf Course to improve weekly.

As many of you have noticed we have been putting more rope and stakes on the golf course, and we are doing this to maintain healthier turf in certain areas and have better traffic patterns. We need everyone to please help by not driving over the ropes, stakes, and please stop cutting the ropes to get to areas we’ve blocked. Our main goal is to have healthier turf and a better conditioned golf course.

I also want to inform everyone that we will continue to top dress the greens on Mondays to continue the process of having healthier greens on a consistent basis.

We had another successful Golf Advisor Board meeting this week and have finalized our 2024 Event calendar. We are excited to announce our new schedule as well as our four (4) Majors for the year. I will send out the minutes from the meeting next week as well as the new schedule…

As a reminder, please sign up for the following events as I would love to see them grow:

  • Ugly Sweater – December 15th
  • Holiday Gala – December 16th
  • New Years Eve Celebration – December 31st
  • Hair of the Dog Golf Tournament – January 1st

I want to say thank you to everyone that has come into the Restaurant over the past few weeks and for showing your support. It’s really appreciated by everyone on the staff and by me. I know we have a long way to go, but we are all committed to making it better. On a positive note, I have hired an F&B Manager and her name is Kellie Galligan. Kellie has a tremendous background in the F&B area as she has been in this career path for 20+ years and has worked as a part owner of a restaurant, as well as a General Manager of a restaurant in the Fort Lauderdale area. Kellie will be bringing a fresh face to the TEAM and will help build the “Cultural changes” that we are implementing. I’m very excited to have her on the TEAM and she will be starting in the next 6 to 10 days.

I’m very excited to have our first F&B Advisory Meeting this coming Monday and getting to meet new people and learn what we can do to get more people inside the restaurant and what the community is looking for. I have had a lot of individuals ask me about the new menu and currently I have put this on hold until I can have the meeting with the F&B Board, and we make sure we have the best items possible for everyone.

Also, I have learned about the $25.00 social membership month allowance you should have been receiving and I will commit to have everyone an answer next week as I’m currently working with our Point of Sale Team to make this work through this platform. I appreciate everyone’s patience as I work through this as well.

I truly appreciate everyone’s support and look forward to seeing the F&B area grow daily, weekly, and monthly. I am going to make some mistakes and I apologize for this, but eventually we will get everything running smoother with sign ups for events, parties, etc.… Like I said a few weeks ago “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

I hope everyone has a great weekend and please if anyone has any questions feel free to come see me, call me, or email me and I will do my best to fix any scenario I can.