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Jason's Weekly Descramble 12.29.23

Good Afternoon Arlington Ridge!

I hope everyone is having a great week and is enjoying their time with family and friends as the Holiday season is coming to an end.

Another successful week at Arlington Ridge as we continue to work on the Golf Course and get the conditions we are looking for. We have finished filling the potholes through hole 14 and we are waiting on more divot-mix to be delivered next week so we can finish holes 16 & 18. When we finish all 18 holes, we will continue to monitor these areas, and we may need to go back and continue to fill them in. This is a slow process, and we are committed to making these areas better. Starting next week, we will start the tree trimming process, we will start on hole 18 and move backwards. This process is also going to take some time as we need to make sure we are cleaned up moving forward.

Also, next week we will continue to needle tine the greens and make sure we maintain a healthy turf on the greens. We continue to spray for the goose grass and, as you can see on numerous holes, this is working. We can see less and less of this wonderful weed each day. The Maintenance team has been doing a great job and the future looks great for the Golf Course.

I am happy to share the 2024 Arlington Ridge Member Golf Schedule:

Date2024 ARGC Membership EventsTime
January 1stHair of the Dog8:30 Shotgun
January 20thMixed Couples8:30 Shotgun
February 23rd, 24th & 25thClub Championship8:30 Shotgun
March 22nd, 23rd & 24thMember Guest8:30 Shotgun
April 11th, 12th & 13thMember / Member8:30 Shotgun
May 11thARGC Street Challenge8:30 Shotgun
June 8thPar 3 Challenge8:30 Shotgun
July 4thRed, White & Blue Tournament8:30 Shotgun
August 10thSuperintendent's Revenge8:30 Shotgun
September 26th, 27th & 28thArlington Cup8:30 Shotgun
October 26thHalloween Glow in DarkDusk Shotgun
November 23rdTurkey Shoot8:30 Shotgun
December 21stUgly Sweater8:30 Shotgun
DateSpecial EventsTime
February 17thVeteran’s Memorial8:30 Shotgun
May 4thMela-No-More8:30 Shotgun
June 1stWoman's Day8:30 Shotgun
September 14thTunnel 2 Tower8:30 Shotgun
October 5thPink Challenge8:30 Shotgun
TBDPanda Classic8:30 Shotgun

We have moved a few events this year and we are hoping for a better turn out in the upcoming year. We are starting to build new traditions at Arlington Ridge Golf Club, so please save these dates and I will make sure that the Event calendar will get updated with these events.

Please stop by the Golf Shop and sign up for the Taylor Made Fitting Day and come see the new products that are coming out in 2024. Our fitting day is February 1st, and I plan on having more throughout the year. I’m very excited about the Golf Course Conditions and excited about the great things we have planned for 2024. We still have a lot of work to accomplish but we are slowly getting there.

We had a very slow week in the F&B Department mainly due to the Holiday Season and a lot of people being out of town. We will hopefully start getting busy again this coming week and get more people in. I’m working on finalizing the new menu and getting with the F&B Advisory Board. I am hopefully getting this out starting the week of January 11th. I want to thank everyone for giving suggestions and ideas of what items individuals are looking for.

Also, next week I will be sending out our monthly F&B Schedule of fun evenings we are looking to start and get more people in the Restaurant:

· Burger Nights
· Pasta Nights
· Fish Fry Friday
· Prime Rib Saturday’s

Nothing is set in stone, but we are working on having fun themed evenings for everyone to enjoy and we are very excited to start these nights. Hopefully some of you have had the opportunity to meet Kellie as she has been here for two weeks now and is starting to get a better feel of the operation. She has already started training the staff and making the F&B Department better.

We truly appreciate everyone’s support and I’m very excited in the direction we are heading along with the growth we continue to have daily. Please continue to have patience with us, as we have learning curves and growing opportunities daily. But we are committed to making Arlington Ridge the best Golf and Community in the area.

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year and is as excited about 2024 as I am…. Thanks for all your support.


Jason R DeWildt | General Manager
jason.dewildt@arlingtonridgegolfclub.com | 352.765.8001