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Jason's Weekly De-Scramble 11.10.23

Course Maintenance, Golf Events, Reminders

Hopefully everyone is having a great week…

We had another successful week with all the work on the golf course. The team has been focusing on finding irrigation heads and making sure the irrigation system is working properly. As everyone knows we really need rain, and this area (Leesburg) is already 8 inches below normal rain fall. Hopefully you’ve seen some of the work in the waste areas on #1 & #6 to make them weed free and how much better they look.

I would like to ask everyone who plays if they could try not to drive in areas that are staked off or roped off as we are trying to maintain healthy turf. We place these stakes and rope in areas to improve the conditions of the golf course. Also, if we can leave the stakes and rope in the places that we’ve placed them in that would also help us as well.

We are very excited to host the Pink Challenge this weekend and look forward to seeing everyone come and support a great cause. Just a reminder we have some great events coming soon so please make sure everyone is signing up for them:

  • Member Guest November - 17th, 18th & 19th
  • Panda Classic – December 1st
  • Arlington Cup (Info Coming Soon) – December 7th, 9th & 10th
  • Ugly Sweater – December 15th

Make sure you sign up and let’s make these successful events this year….

Overall, I’m very excited about the direction we are heading in and love the way the golf course conditions are coming around. I appreciate everyone’s support and I’m excited about the future for the facility.

If anyone has any questions, please let me know and remember we are here to assist in any way we can.


Jason R. DeWildt |Director of Golf